Corporate information

We are the environmental sector company that manages the drinking water, sewerage, municipal building cleaning, road cleaning, park and garden maintenance, solid urban waste collection and EcoPark services in the municipality of Beniel.

We employ over 35 professionals who work with commitment and shared responsibility: we guarantee our services are provided with maximum effectiveness, managing them with policies that ensure quality, efficiency, environmental sustainability and work safety.

We ensure water is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to supply over 11,000 inhabitants in the municipality, offering the highest guarantees of health, safety and quality. We look after the environment so that Beniel is green and clean, and we invest in innovative, environmentally friendly technology.

Our shareholders are Beniel Town Council y por Hidrogea, a leader in basic public services management, with over 40 years’ experience in the region of Murcia, and part of the Suez Water Spain.Sermubeniel is therefore a public-private joint venture company, with 51% of its shares owned by Beniel Town Council and the remaining 49% by Hidrogea, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Murcia, S.A.

The company was founded in 2004 with the aim of providing comprehensive maintenance of roads, public spaces and property and cleaning and hygiene of buildings. The Town Council plenary session on 8 February 2006 approved the municipalisation of the drinking water, sewerage and treatment services, which were subsequently awarded to Hidrogea.  

Through the agreement of the General Meeting of Shareholders of 11 July 2007, the business of Sermubeniel was extended to providing other services such as: urban planning studies; urban development actions; management and operation of works and services resulting from urban development; management and operation of urban and rural land owned by Beniel Town Council and tax, tariff and duty collection, among others.